What You Need to Know About Spotify's New Policies

It's official, Spotify is cracking down even more on artificial streams and artists who are gaming the system. In this recent article, Spotify shares the details you should be aware of. I recommend you take some time to read through it, but here are some key takeaways:

-Tracks must have at least 1,000 streams in 12 months to earn royalties.
-This will redirect $40 million per year to artists who are "most dependent on streaming revenue."
-Bad actors who attempt to game the system by using bots or fake streams to earn royalties will be penalized.

Whatever your feelings or opinions may be about these changes, it's important as a Christian artist to earn your streams with integrity by introducing your music to real people. Be careful who you hire to handle your music promotion and educate yourself through resources like our Christian Music Industry Podcast, so that you don't unknowingly do things that will jeopardize your music.

And remember: Spotify, along with all other DSPs, are more of a promotional tool than a significant revenue source for most artists. It's crucial to create a strategy that allows you to not be fully dependent on DSPs, but to utilize them for what they are and ensure that you have clear goals and strategies to achieve those goals.

Now's the time to enlist an experienced marketing team that upholds integrity to help you with your 2024 release and marketing strategy!

Wisdom Moon
CEO/Founder of Christian Music Marketing


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